
Americal National Standards Institute, _American National Standard for Information Systems -- Programming Language -- C_, ANSI X3.159-1989 (質問11.2参照). [ANSI]

Americal National Standards Institute, _Rationale for American National Standard for Information Systems -- Programming Language -- C_ (質問11.2参照). [Rationale]

Jon Bentley, _Writing Efficient Programs_, Prentice-Hall, 1982, ISBN 0- 13-970244-X. (邦訳:プログラム改良学\0 近代科学社 ISBN4-7649-0159-5)

G.E.P. Box and Mervin E. Muller, "A Note on the Generation of Random Normal Deviates," _Annals of Mathematical Statistics_, Vol. 29 #2, June, 1958, pp. 610-611.

David Burki, "Date Conversions," _The C Users Journal_, February 1993, pp. 29-34.

Ian F. Darwin, _Checking C Programs with lint_, O'Reilly, 1988, ISBN 0- 937175-30-7.

David Goldberg, "What Every Computer Scientist Should Know about Floating-Point Arithmetic," _ACM Computing Surveys_, Vol. 23 #1, March, 1991, pp. 5-48.

Samuel P. Harbison and Guy L. Steele, Jr., _C: A Reference Manual_, Fourth Edition, Prentice-Hall, 1995, ISBN 0-13-326224-3. [H&S] (邦訳:詳細C言語:H&Sリファレンス 日本ソフトバンク ISBN4-89052-050-3)

Mark R. Horton, _Portable C Software_, Prentice Hall, 1990, ISBN 0-13- 868050-7. [PCS] (邦訳:ポータブルCプログラミング トッパン)

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, _Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) -- Part 1: System Application Program Interface (API) [C Language_, IEEE Std. 1003.1, ISO/IEC 9945-1.

International Organization for Standardization, ISO 9899:1990 (see question 11.2). [ISO]

Brian W. Kernighan and P.J. Plauger, _The Elements of Programming Style_, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1978, ISBN 0-07-034207-5. (邦訳:プログラム書法第2版 共立出版)

Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, _The C Programming Language_, Prentice-Hall, 1978, ISBN 0-13-110163-3. [K&R1] (邦訳:プログラミング言語C 共立出版)

Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, _The C Programming Language_, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 1988, ISBN 0-13-110362-8, 0-13-110370-9. [K&R2] (邦訳:プログラミング言語C 第2版 共立出版)

Donald E. Knuth, _The Art of Computer Programming_. Volume 1: _Fundamental Algorithms_, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley, 1973, ISBN 0- 201-03809-9. Volume 2: _Seminumerical Algorithms_, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley, 1981, ISBN 0-201-03822-6. Volume 3: _Sorting and Searching_, Addison-Wesley, 1973, ISBN 0-201-03803-X. [Knuth] (邦訳:基本算法)

Andrew Koenig, _C Traps and Pitfalls_, Addison-Wesley, 1989, ISBN 0-201- 17928-8. [CT&P] (邦訳:Cの落とし穴 トッパン)

Stephen K. Park and Keith W. Miller, "Random Number Generators: Good Ones are Hard to Find," _Communications of the ACM_, Vol. 31 #10, October, 1988, pp. 1192-1201 (also technical correspondence August, 1989, pp. 1020-1024, and July, 1993, pp. 108-110).

P.J. Plauger, _The Standard C Library_, Prentice Hall, 1992, ISBN 0-13- 131509-9.

Thomas Plum, _C Programming Guidelines_, Second Edition, Plum Hall, 1989, ISBN 0-911537-07-4.

William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling, and Brian P. Flannery, _Numerical Recipes in C_, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, 1992, ISBN 0-521-43108-5.

Dale Schumacher, Ed., _Software Solutions in C_, AP Professional, 1994, ISBN 0-12-632360-7.

Robert Sedgewick, _Algorithms in C_, Addison-Wesley, 1990, ISBN 0-201- 51425-7.

Charles Simonyi and Martin Heller, "The Hungarian Revolution," _Byte_, August, 1991, pp.131-138.

David Straker, _C Style: Standards and Guidelines_, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-116898-3.

Steve Summit, _C Programming FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions_, Addison- Wesley, 1995, ISBN 0-201-84519-9. [The book version of this FAQ list.]

Sun Wu and Udi Manber, "AGREP -- A Fast Approximate Pattern-Matching Tool," USENIX Conference Proceedings, Winter, 1992, pp. 153-162.

改訂されたIndian Hillsスタイルガイド(質問17.9参照)にも参考文献の一 覧が載っている。質問18.10も参照のこと。 謝辞


Jamshid Afshar, David Anderson, Tanner Andrews, Sudheer Apte, Joseph
Arceneaux, Randall Atkinson, Rick Beem, Peter Bennett, Wayne Berke,
Dan Bernstein, Tanmoy Bhattacharya, John Bickers, Gary Blaine, Yuan
Bo, Dave Boutcher, Michael Bresnahan, Vincent Broman, Stan Brown, Joe
Buehler, Kimberley Burchett, Gordon Burditt, Burkhard Burow, Conor
P. Cahill, D'Arcy J.M. Cain, Christopher Calabrese, Ian Cargill, Vinit
Carpenter, Paul Carter, Mike Chambers, Billy Chambless, Franklin Chen,
Jonathan Chen, Raymond Chen, Richard Cheung, Steve Clamage, Ken
Corbin, Ian Cottam, Russ Cox, Jonathan Coxhead, Lee Crawford, Steve
Dahmer, Andrew Daviel, James Davies, John E. Davis, Ken Delong, Norm
Diamond, Jeff Dunlop, Ray Dunn, Stephen M. Dunn, Michael J. Eager,
Scott Ehrlich, Arno Eigenwillig, Dave Eisen, Bjorn Engsig, David
Evans, Clive D.W. Feather, Dominic Feeley, Simao Ferraz, Chris
Flatters, Rod Flores, Alexander Forst, Steve Fosdick, Jeff Francis,
Tom Gambill, Dave Gillespie, Samuel Goldstein, Tim Goodwin, Alasdair
Grant, Ron Guilmette, Doug Gwyn, Michael Hafner, Tony Hansen, Elliotte
Rusty Harold, Joe Harrington, Des Herriott, Guy Harris, John Hascall,
Ger Hobbelt, Jos Horsmeier, Blair Houghton, James C. Hu, Chin Huang,
David Hurt, Einar Indridason, Vladimir Ivanovic, Jon Jagger, Ke Jin,
Kirk Johnson, Larry Jones, Arjan Kenter, James Kew, Lawrence Kirby,
北野 欽一, Peter Klausler, Andrew Koenig, Tom Koenig, Adam
Kolawa, Jukka Korpela, Ajoy Krishnan T, Markus Kuhn, Deepak Kulkarni,
Oliver Laumann, John Lauro, Felix Lee, Mike Lee, Timothy J. Lee, Tony
Lee, Marty Leisner, Don Libes, Brian Liedtke, Philip Lijnzaad, Keith
Lindsay, Yen-Wei Liu, Paul Long, Christopher Lott, Tim Love, Tim
McDaniel, Kevin McMahon, Stuart MacMartin, John R. MacMillan, Andrew
Main, Bob Makowski, Evan Manning, Barry Margolin, George Matas, Brad
Mears, Roger Miller, Bill Mitchell, Mark Moraes, Darren Morby,
Bernhard Muenzer, David Murphy, Walter Murray, Ralf Muschall,
Ken Nakata, Todd Nathan, Landon Curt Noll, Tim Norman, Paul Nulsen, David
O'Brien, Richard A. O'Keefe, Adam Kolawa, James Ojaste, Hans Olsson,
Bob Peck, Andrew Phillips, Christopher Phillips, Francois Pinard, Nick
Pitfield, Wayne Pollock, Dan Pop, Lutz Prechelt, Lynn Pye, Kevin
D. Quitt, Pat Rankin, Arjun Ray, Eric S.  Raymond, Peter W. Richards,
Eric Roode, Manfred Rosenboom, J. M.  Rosenstock, Rick Rowe, Erkki
Ruohtula, John Rushford, Kadda Sahnine, 坂本 智彦, Matthew
Saltzman, Rich Salz, Chip Salzenberg, Matthew Sams, Paul Sand, DaviD
W. Sanderson, Frank Sandy, Christopher Sawtell, Jonas Schlein, Paul
Schlyter, Doug Schmidt, Rene Schmit, Russell Schulz, Dean Schulze,
Chris Sears, Patricia Shanahan, Raymond Shwake, Peter da Silva, Joshua
Simons, Ross Smith, Henri Socha, Leslie J. Somos, Henry Spencer, David
Spuler, James Stern, Bob Stout, Steve Sullivan, Melanie Summit, Erik
Talvola, Dave Taylor, Clarke Thatcher, Wayne Throop, Chris Torek,
Steve Traugott, Ilya Tsindlekht, Andrew Tucker, Goran Uddeborg,
Rodrigo Vanegas, Jim Van Zandt, Wietse Venema, Tom Verhoeff, Ed
Vielmetti, Larry Virden, Chris Volpe, Mark Warren, Alan Watson, Kurt
Watzka, Larry Weiss, Martin Weitzel, Howard West, Tom White, Freek
Wiedijk, Dik T. Winter, Lars Wirzenius, Dave Wolverton, Mitch Wright,
Conway Yee, Ozan S. Yigit, Zhuo Zang。
特にKarl HeuerとJutta DegenerとMark Braderに、よりよいFAQのリストを作 るという終わりのない目的追求のために私の好みを物ともせず、ときには私の 我慢を越えた水先案内をしてくれたことに感謝する。
Steve Summit scs@eskimo.com
この記事の著作権は1088年と1990年から1995年に渡ってSteve Summitに帰属す る。書籍『C Programming FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions』の内容を著者 と出版社の許可の元、社会への貢献のために使用している。このFAQは書籍版 を補足することを意図としている。内容は各国の著作権法によって守られる。 (訳注:日本語版の著作権は北野 欽一に帰属する。) このFAQ内のCのコード(vstrcat(), error()など)はパブリックドメインで、何 の制限もなく使用してよい。

This article is Copyright 1988, 1990-1995 by Steve Summit. Content from the book _C Programming FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions_ is made available here by permission of the author and the publisher as a service to the community. It is intended to complement the use of the published text and is protected by international copyright laws. The content is made available here and may be accessed freely for personal use but may not be published or retransmitted without written permission. The C code in this article (vstrcat(), error(), etc.) is public domain and may be used without restriction.


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voidさん、川下 敬之さん、野口 恭子さん、遥夢さん、飯間 昇さん、星野 浩志さん、 結城 義敬さん、田辺 良則さん、坂本 智彦さん、フィンローダーさん、青木 和麻呂さん 、 太田 純さん、熊谷 典大さん (順不同)

最後に原著者のSteve Summitさんに、私の細かい質問に一々丁寧に答えても らったことを感謝します。

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